Friday, 11 February 2011

The tips for successful video marketing

To effectively communicate a companies' product profile and benefits at a shorter time, web companies use online videos and post them to YouTube. This becomes their key business strategy and difference apart all the other companies. This method is called video marketing.

A well-designed video message holds more power than anything else in the web if written, directed, and shoot properly. Putting up a video on your site does not translate automatically to double conversion rate of new registrants or that you will double up your sales. No. It doesn't work that way. A badly done video will make your site look worse than competitors.

Effective video marketing is not as easy as uploading videos onto your web pages. Video marketing agency who deal with this marketing, need to be tricky and careful while doing so.

Making a video is tedious. It is not just shooting something out of nowhere and pray that it will become a hit. It is a science that requires rigorous training of techniques and methods to make the video work. But why is it the primary choice to make your web page a hit? Simple, web visitors have an attention span of a little more than 10 seconds. Once your visitors type something on the web and search engines present it right onto their faces, the web visitor doesn't spend his/her whole afternoon to read what's written on your web page. He/she politely lends you 10 seconds of her time to scan through your web page, know what you were saying, and interpret its relevance to his/her life. If he/she gets nothing out of it, your visitor becomes non-existent or a mere "visitor". Then your videos marketing fails.

But if you can give her something visually appealing and would capture his/her attention, you communicated to your visitor very very well. If the message went through, he/she might be a potential conversion target.

In the web, your audience will only share you a window of their attention so you need to grab that opportunity to catch their attention. If your web page doesn't give them what they want, they'll surely close your window and will not visit you for all eternity or you may choose to get their attention immediately with a video and thank God for the new customer. This represent that your video marketing is successful. But do not be too goofy or too fooling. Your audience might get the wrong message if you make your video too attention-grabbing. Your web visitor is smart enough to know that they are being played around. The web visitors of today are very smart that they already know what they're looking for. So focusing on grabbing their attention should not be your main concern in putting up a video on your web page.

Besides, nobody surfs the web, clicks on random sites, and pray to God that they may end up on the right web page for their search.And this is where video marketing enters. What you need to do is to grab your web surfer's attention through the message you are trying to say. It is about communicating your message effectively in the least time possible. This will make your video messages more effective than anything else in the whole worldwide web.